Optimization of brewing time and temperature for caffeine and tannin levels in Dampit coffee leaf tea of Robusta (Coffea canephora) and Liberica (Coffea liberica)


  • Dewi Melani Hariyadi Universitas Airlangga, Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics Department, Jl. Mulyorejo, Campus C, 60115, Surabaya, Indonesia, Tel.: +6281232238383 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9357-3913
  • Cynthia Amelia Tedja Universitas Brawijaya, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Brawijaya Senso Gastronomy Centre, Jl. Veteran, 65145, Malang, Indonesia, Tel.: +6281235567489
  • Elok Zubaidah Universitas Brawijaya, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Brawijaya Senso Gastronomy Centre, Jl. Veteran, 65145, Malang, Indonesia, Tel.: +628123105806
  • Sudarminto Setyo Yuwono Universitas Brawijaya, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Brawijaya Senso Gastronomy Centre, Jl. Veteran, 65145, Malang, Indonesia, Tel.: +6281931891954
  • Kiki Fibrianto Universitas Brawijaya, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Brawijaya Senso Gastronomy Centre, Jl. Veteran, 65145, Malang, Indonesia, Tel.: +6281332038520, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1011-8275




caffeine, tannin, Robusta, Liberica, coffee leaf tea


Coffee constitutes a plant product high in economic value. Extremely abundant throughout Indonesia, different varieties can be found in each region. Coffee leaves represent a by-product of coffee production which are disposed of without being subjected to further processing. One advantage of coffee leaf waste is that it can be made into coffee leaf tea, to prevent various diseases. The caffeine and tannin content can be optimized by temperature and brewing time. Research on coffee leaf tea remains limited, with little study of Liberica coffee leaf tea. This investigation was to determine the optimal brewing time and temperature of Robusta (Coffea canephora) and Liberica (Coffea liberica) coffee leaf tea. This research used the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) method with Central Composite Design (CCD). Data analysis using RSM method was conducted incorporating two factors. The first factor was the brewing temperature with a minimum value of 91 °C and a maximum value of 99 °C. The second factor was brewing time with minimum and maximum values of three and seven minutes respectively. Identifying the optimal treatment was based on two factors, caffeine and tannin content. Optimized processes were applied to conduct organoleptic tests on 110 untrained panelists using the Rate-All-That-Apply (RATA) method to highlight the majority attributes experienced by the panelists. The optimal brewing temperature and duration for robusta coffee leaf tea were 93.43 °C and 4.80 minutes which produced caffeine and tannin levels of 74.90 mg.100mL-1 and 293.01 µg.g-1 respectively. In contrast, in the case of Liberica coffee leaf tea, the optimal brewing conditions comprised a temperature of 91.65 °C and duration of 4.84 minutes which produced caffeine and tannin levels of 72.52 mg.100mL-1 and 415.87 µg.g-1. Results of sensory analysis showed that the majority produced five significant characteristics, namely: sweet flavor, fire flavor, sweet taste, bitter taste and astringent mouthfeel.


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How to Cite

Hariyadi, D. M., Tedja, C. A. ., Zubaidah, E., Yuwono, S. S., & Fibrianto, K. (2020). Optimization of brewing time and temperature for caffeine and tannin levels in Dampit coffee leaf tea of Robusta (Coffea canephora) and Liberica (Coffea liberica) . Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 14, 58–68. https://doi.org/10.5219/1212