Estimation of the burden of pesticide residues in Slovak population


  • Zuzana Grancová Bielková District Veterinary and Food Administration, Trnava, Zavarská 11, 918 21 Trnava, Slovakia
  • Jozef Sokol District Veterinary and Food Administration, Trnava, Zavarská 11, 918 21 Trnava, Slovakia



pesticide, pesticide residue, plant protection product, risk assessment


Pesticides used in the agriculture have to be applied according to the requirements of good agricultural practice and appropriate law. Pesticides leave detectable residues in agricultural crops, raw materials and ecosystem components. Pesticides reach the human population through the food chain. Information on the type and concentration of pesticide residues in food is in Slovakia collected trough the monitoring programs. Health risks associated with pesticides contaminants in human nutrition are very important and are recently studied by several expert groups. Prerequisite programs are necessary to protect public health. Risk analysis and monitoring of the population burden by pesticide contaminants have to be performed in expert level. The general strategy for assessment of toxicity of pesticides is listed by the World health Organisation. Scientific risk assessment is the basis for taking action and making the legislation at national and European community level.


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How to Cite

Bielková, Z. G., & Sokol, J. . (2010). Estimation of the burden of pesticide residues in Slovak population. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 4(3), 6–9.