Evaluation of Model Wheat/Hemp Composites


  • Ivan Švec Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Department of Carbohydrates and Cereals, Technicka 5, 166 28 Praha 6 ”“ Dejvice
  • Marie Hrušková Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Department of Carbohydrates and Cereals, Technicka 5, 166 28 Praha 6 ”“ Dejvice




wheat-hemp composite flour, protein content and quality, SRC profile, correlation analysis


Model cereal blends were prepared from commercial wheat fine flour and 5 samples of hemp flour (HF), including fine (2 of conventional form, 1 of organic form) and wholemeal type (2 of conventional form). Wheat flour was substituted in 4 levels (5, 10, 15, 20%). HF addition has increased protein content independently on tested hemp flour form or type. Partial model cereal blends could be distinguished according to protein quality (Zeleny test values), especially between fine and wholemeal HF type. Both flour types affected also amylolytic activity, for which a relationship between hemp addition and determined level of Falling Number was confirmed for all five model cereal blends. Solvent retention capacity profiles (SRC) of partial models were influenced by both HF form and type, as well as by its addition level. Between both mentioned groups of quality features, significant correlation were proved - relationships among protein content/quality and lactic acid SRC were verifiable on p <0.01 (-0.58, 0.91, respectively). By performed ANOVA, a possibility to distinguish the HF form used in model cereal blend according to the lactic acid SRC and the water SRC was demonstrated. Comparing partial cereal models containing fine and wholemeal hemp type, HF addition level demonstrated its impact on the sodium carbonate SRC and the water acid SRC.


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How to Cite

Švec, I. ., & Hrušková, M. . (2014). Evaluation of Model Wheat/Hemp Composites. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 8(1), 8–14. https://doi.org/10.5219/317