Expanding the range of fortified meat products through the targeted combination of raw materials of animal and vegetable origin
functional foods, meat product, lactulose, milk molasses, nutrient balanceAbstract
The problem of providing the population with a full-fledged balanced diet is currently quite acute worldwide. Therefore, one of the main tasks is to expand the range of fortified and functional food products, including those with prebiotic effects. The article presents the results of developing fortified boiled sausages, liver pates, and chopped semi-finished products, which have high consumer properties, nutritional and biological value, organoleptic characteristics, and a balanced nutritional composition. The minimum amino acid score value for the proposed boiled sausages is 95.6%, and, for liver pate – 99.6%, for chopped semi-finished products – 88.1%. The biological value of the protein of the developed products reaches 92.8%, 87.7%, and 99.7%, respectively. This is achieved through specially selected components of animal and vegetable origin. Meat and meat-plant products were developed based on an analysis of the nutritional status of North Caucasus Federal University students. The optimal formulation was determined, and the nutrient balance of the finished products was ensured using computer modelling. Using dry milk molasses with lactulose "LactuVet-1" in the formulations of fortified meat products made it possible to increase their organoleptic characteristics and enrich them with calcium (about 150 mg per 100 g of finished product) and other minerals. The developed meat products contain lactulose, g/100 g of product: boiled sausages – 0.46, chopped semi-finished products – 0.61, liver pate – 0.76. This helped to ensure the prebiotic effect of the finished product. The proposed meat products are a source of vitamin A and calcium, contain most B vitamins, macroelements potassium and magnesium, and microelements iron and zinc. The complex of tasks to reduce the deficit of the main types of nutrients, revealed during the study, can be solved by including the developed meat products in the diet of the target group of consumers.
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