Development of wheat composite bread using barley β-glucan rich flour
β-glucan, barley, supplementation, mixed bread, health claimAbstract
The study highlights the potential for enhancing the nutritional value of wheat bread by incorporating β-glucan-enriched flour derived from barley. Initially, the study explores the air separation of barley flour into fractions rich in β-glucans. The procedure significantly increases the β-glucan concentration from 4.5% in barley to 8.0-10.5% in the separated coarse fractions, with yields varying from 33% to 77%. The optimal fraction of
β-glucan-rich flour (β-GRF), balancing β-glucan concentration and yield, was chosen for subsequent evaluations. The impact of different levels of β-GRF supplementation (ranging from 0% to 30%) on the dough texture and sensory characteristics of the mixed wheat bread was tested. The addition of β-GRF has a noticeable influence on the rheological properties of the dough, resulting in longer development times and decreased stability compared to control samples. As the concentration of β-GRF increases to 10%, the specific volume generally rises, reaching 3.5 cm³/g, compared to the control bread with a specific volume of 3.2 cm³/g. However, beyond the 10% β-GRF level, the specific volume starts to decrease. Furthermore, β-GRF addition affects sensory and texture aspects, including bread volume, crumb, and crust characteristics. Despite these alterations, the bread remains within acceptable sensory parameters, and the final product, with 3g of β-glucan per 100 g of bread, meets the criteria for a health claim related to cholesterol reduction. This research underscores the potential to create healthier bread options by harnessing the nutritional benefits of dry concentrated β-glucans from barley, offering a promising avenue for improving the nutritional profile of bread products.
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