Effect of soy flour and flour improvers on nutritional value, texture, colour and sensory characteristics of wafer biscuits


  • Nazieh Alkhalalieh Mutah University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Jordan P.O. Box 61710, Tel: 00962786615393
  • Ghadeer Frehat Mutah University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, Jordan P.O. Box 61710, Tel: 00962798176521




wafer, plant protein, flour, soy flour, wheat


Biscuits are a popular and desirable snack food by consumers. Still, the quality of these products decreases during the storage process, so this study focuses on improving the wafer's quality and nutritional value and reducing their fragility by partially replacing wheat flour with soybean flour in the following proportions: 5% (T1),  10%  (T2),  15% (T3), 20% (T4), and adding ammonium carbonate in different quantities. The sensory evaluation showed that the best wafer treatment was supported with 15% soy flour and 150 g of ammonium carbonate. At the same time, the mean for sensory evaluation is 8.80. Also, the results of the chemical analysis (protein, moisture, fat, carbohydrate, ash, fibre) texture and colour after direct manufacturing and after three months of storage. The result showed a significant increase in the percentage of protein and fat from 6.56±0.30 to 12.19 ± 0.35,  11.56±0.10 to 19.64±0.55, respectively the moisture content was higher in the control was 3.88±0.02 for wafer sample 2.47±0.13, while fibre was 1.93±0.15. The carbohydrates in the control sample were higher than in other treatments. Texture and colour were improved compared with the control. Commercial-batter biscuits with high nutritional value content and high-quality properties can be prepared by replacing wheat flour with 15% soy flour and adding 150 g of ammonium carbonate.



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How to Cite

Alkhalalieh, N., & Frehat, G. (2024). Effect of soy flour and flour improvers on nutritional value, texture, colour and sensory characteristics of wafer biscuits. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 18, 847–859. https://doi.org/10.5219/1940