The quality characteristics of biscuits made with plantain and purple rice flour as substitutes for wheat flour
biscuit, flour, purple rice fluor, plantain fluor, subsitutionAbstract
Biscuits are wheat flour-based manufactured food products. Another option is to locate a flour substitute, such as plantain flour or purple rice. This study aims to establish the ideal ratio of purple rice flour and plantain flour based on the quality attributes of biscuits. This study employed a one-factor, Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five treatment levels and three replications. The observational data were analysed using ANOVA with the DNMRT further test at a 5% significant level. The treatment in this study compared purple rice flour and plantain flour to prepare biscuits. The ratio of purple rice flour to plantain flour had a very significant (p <0.01) effect on water content (3.56%), ash content (2.11%), fat content (25.18%), crude fiber content (17.85%), protein content (4.72%), and carbohydrate content (61.49%), but no significant effect (p >0.01) on antioxidant activity (55.83%). Except for protein, all treatments meet the SNI's requirements for biscuit quality. Based on the organoleptic test of taste, aroma, texture, and colour preferred by panellist with score of A (90-10) 3.52%, B (80-20) 3.97%, C (70-30) 4.42%, D (60-40) 5.03%, and E (50-50) 5.52% were obtained. The best-quality biscuits were in treatment E. (comparison of purple rice flour and plantain flour 50:50).
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