The influence of beet pectin concentrate and whole-ground corn flour on the quality and safety of hardtacks
beet pectin concentrate, wholemeal corn flour, hardtacks, quality, safetyAbstract
Currently, the main task of food manufacturers is to continuously improve quality while complying with legal regulations primarily related to ensuring product safety for consumers. In this regard, using pectin substances as natural detoxifiers and wholemeal flour in the production of hardtacks will solve the problem of meeting the population's needs for safe food products with high nutritional and biological value. The article substantiates the sequence and parameters of technological operations for producing pectin concentrate from ‘Ardan’ sugar beet. The effectiveness of the use of beet pectin concentrate and whole-ground corn flour in the production of hardtacks has been substantiated experimentally based on a study of their qualitative characteristics, chemical composition and safety. The optimal dosage of pectin concentrate was determined at 10% and whole-ground corn flour at 15% in the production of hardtacks from first-grade wheat flour, where the properties of the gluten and the quality of finished products were similar to the control samples. The use of ‘Ardan’ sugar beet pectin concentrate made it possible to alter the dough's properties to increase its firmness and elasticity. It was found that the food and biological value of the developed hardtacks was higher than that of the control samples. The products obtained complied with the safety requirements of TR CU 021/2011 Technical Regulations of the Customs Union ‘On Food Safety’.
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