Analysis of liability and protein content of soybean biscuits with Ambon banana as an alternative to emergency food for the elderly
biscuits, organoleptic, soybean flour, Ambon banana flour, elderlyAbstract
In disaster conditions, the elderly are vulnerable groups that require special attention. With increasing age, there is a decrease in biological function and psychological disorders. The elderly tend to have anxiety, especially during disaster conditions. This anxiety has an impact on the diet and health of the elderly. Soybean (Glycine max L.) flour biscuits and Ambon banana (Musa paradisiaca var. sapientum L.) flour is a food product that meets disaster emergency food requirements and food requirements for the elderly. It is appropriate to be used as an alternative disaster emergency food for the elderly. This study aims to determine the effect of the balance of the soybean flour biscuit formula Ambon banana flour on the organoleptic and protein properties. The research design used is an experimental study, with the research method used is a hedonic test for testing organoleptic properties and the Kjeldahl procedure for testing protein content. The formula of Ambon banana and soybean flour biscuits consisted of three balances, with the ratio of Ambon banana flour soybean flour (%) F1 (45:55), F2 (35:65), and F3 (25:75). From the study results, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the test results of organoleptic properties only for colour. Moreover, there are no significant differences in the test results of organoleptic properties, including aroma, taste, texture, and overall. In the test results of organoleptic properties, the balance (25:75) was declared superior overall. The 45:55 balance contains 8.01% protein, the 35:65 balance contains 7.23% protein, and the 25:75 balance includes 7.42%.
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