Nutrition of older adults in the Republic of Kazakhstan
balanced nutrition, older person, questionnaire, aging, herodietic productAbstract
This article discusses a study on the nutrition specifics of older adults living in social service institutions in three major cities of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Nur-Sultan, Almaty, and Shymkent. The direction of the research meets the priorities of the World Health Organization to achieve goals on aging and health. The diets of older adults in the Republic of Kazakhstan were studied, food preferences were identified, and needs for basic nutrients were established. This article presents the results of sociological surveys of older adults who answered questions about nutrition, preferred foods, raw materials, and meat products. Based on the survey results, technologies of herodietic meat products aimed at enriching the diet with proteins were developed, along with practical recommendations for a balanced diet. This area of research is relevant due to the lack of products with a herodietic profile on the Kazakhstan market.
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