The aromachology and possibilities of its application in a selected business entity
aromachology, aroma marketing, consumer behaviour, smell, marketing toolAbstract
Aromachology studies the influence of odours on human behaviour and examines the relationship between feelings and emotions. The submitted paper deals with implementing a new marketing communication tool into practice and the possibilities of its use. Our research deals with the use of the human senses in marketing, where we take a closer look at the sense of smell because it has an important position in the human mind and life. It can awaken our memories and create emotions and improve the mood and often unconsciously influence consumer behaviour. The paper is divided into two parts. The first one aims at the theoretical introduction devoted to basic concepts such as aromachology and aroma marketing. This knowledge was subsequently applied directly to the surveyed company in the results part. The research subject is the influence of aromas on the emotional side of consumer behaviour which is influenced by all stimuli around us. Based on the research, we identified the most suitable aroma category that the company could use in the future. We have developed proposals and recommendations that could help increase awareness of a new product in the company's portfolio through unconscious communication at the point of sale, which will bring the gradual implementation of this marketing tool into practice. Two questionnaires were used – the first one aimed to gain basic information about consumers and their consumer behaviour. The second one was realized as a blind review of selected aromas using facial biometrics. Based on both surveys, we can conclude that introducing a specific aroma in the company certainly could influence the sale of a new product, a chocolate cake.
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