The hypoglycemic and regenerative effect of the pancreas using instant porridge mix of pumpkin and brown rice flour on diabetic rats
instant porridge mix, pumpkin, brown rice, pancreatic β cells, hypoglycemic, diabetic ratsAbstract
Diabetes is a congenital disease resulting from inefficiencies in insulin production and activities. Instant porridge mixed with pumpkin and brown rice (instant porridge mix) can be a functional food to lower blood sugar. This study aimed to determine the hypoglycemic activity and the ability of instant porridge mix to regenerate pancreatic beta cells in diabetic rats. Diabetes was induced by Streptozotocin (STZ). Instant porridge mix was used to substitute the standard feed AIN-93 at 0, 10, 20, and 30% levels. The hypoglycemic activity test used 30 Sprague Dawley rats assigned to five groups with six each. The groups were (1) normal rats fed with standard feed AIN-93, (2) DM/diabetes mellitus rats fed with AIN 93 feed, (3) DM rats fed with 10% instant porridge mix, (4) DM rats fed with 20% instant porridge mix, and (5) DM rats fed with 30% instant porridge mix. The treatment was carried out for twenty-eight days, and blood sampling was carried out at seven-day intervals for blood analysis to determine glucose levels. At the end of the study, the levels of MDA (malondialdehyde) and blood glucose in the liver of the rats were also analyzed. A histopathology test was also done on the pancreas. The results showed that feed substitution (20%) with instant porridge mix significantly (p <0.05) reduced the level of blood glucose from 271.81 to 99.66 mg.dL-1 in DM rats. In conclusion, DM rats fed with 20% instant porridge mix were the best treatment for hypoglycemic and regenerative effects of the pancreas.
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