The content of silver, aluminum, and zinc in wild edible mushroom Macrolepiota procera
Parasol mushroom, potential risk elements, essential element, consumption, health risk, Macrolepiota procera Scop. SingerAbstract
The content of selected elements (Ag, Al, and Zn) in wild edible Parasol mushroom (Macrolepiota procera Scop. Singer) collected from five sites in Slovakia – Lazy pod Makytou, Lozorno, Nemečky, Tesáre, and Zbyňov was investigated. The element analysis was determined using the ICP-OES method. The average concentrations of Ag, Al, and Zn in M. procera caps ranged as follows: 0.41 – 3.23, 16.6 – 113, and 73.4 – 111 mg kg-1 dry weight, respectively. Also, Spearman’s correlation test was used to determine the correlations between Parasol mushroom caps and stems in the content of Ag, Al, and Zn. Subsequently, the obtained data on the content of the monitored elements in M. procera caps were used for the evaluation of health risks arising from the consumption of M. procera. Although mushrooms are an important part of the diet, they are consumed mainly as a seasonal delicacy therefore, the intake of the monitored elements from the consumption of M. procera may be limited. Regular and long-term consumption of M. procera caps from investigated sites does not pose any health risks to the consumers.
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