The organoleptic quality of liquid food formula made from snail (Pila ampullacea), tempeh, and moringa leaves
liquid food formula, moringa leaves, organoleptic quality, snail (Pila ampullacea), tempehAbstract
This study aims to determine the organoleptic quality of liquid food formula made from snail (Pila ampullacea), tempeh, and moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaves. The study was conducted in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It involved 25 moderately trained panelists and also 5 trained panelists, who met the criteria. The measured variable was the organoleptic quality, which included aspects of color, texture, taste, and aroma. The formula tested was a powder formula made from the snail, tempeh, and moringa leaves. The proportion of snail flour, tempeh flour, and moringa leaves flour was 50:30:20. It was found that more than 50% of panelists liked the liquid food formula based on color, texture, taste, and aroma. Independent t-test to determine the difference between the organoleptic quality of the two groups showed p = 0.710 for color, p = 0.335 for texture, p = 0.603 for taste, and p = 0.880 for aroma. In conclusion, most of the panelists liked the liquid food formula products made from snail, tempeh, and moringa leaves based on the organoleptic quality result. There was no difference between the organoleptic quality studies of the two groups in the aspect of color, texture, taste, and aroma.
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