The influence of varietal characteristics on the quality indicators of candied fruits from plum fruits
plum, technological process, candied fruits, physical methods, organoleptic indicatorsAbstract
The influence of varietal characteristics of plum fruits on the physicochemical parameters of the drying process has been investigated. Revealed significant differences in the content of biologically active compounds on the example of varieties: Stanley, Big Stanley, Grossa di Felisio, President, Blue moon, August Delish, Kabardinskaya early. The consumption rates of raw materials for the production of candied fruits have been determined. The results of laboratory studies on the variation of the content of vitamins (C, P), anthocyanins in plum fruits, taking into account varietal characteristics, are presented. The drying process on a dryer with infrared rays led to a slight decrease in polyphenolic and mineral substances, and higher losses of vitamins in the finished candied fruit. The mathematical processing of the experimental data was carried out by the method of analysis of variance and descriptive statistics using the Microsoft Excel software package. In the production of candied plum fruits, optimal technological modes have been selected that contribute to a high yield of high-quality finished products, taking into account the varietal characteristics of the feedstock. According to biochemical and organoleptic indicators of the quality of candied fruits, Stanley and President varieties were distinguished, the energy value of which is 147.0 kcal with an organoleptic assessment of 4.9 points. The results of experimental biochemical and technological analyzes of fruits at individual technological stages of production made it possible to assess the intensity of complex processes that cause a qualitative transformation of raw materials.
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