Biochemical composition of sweet cherry (Prynus avium L.) fruit depending on the scion-stock combinations


  • Galina Upadysheva Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Scioning, Agrotechnology and Nursery“, Zagorevskaj 4, 115598 Moscow
  • Svetlana Motyleva Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Scioning, Agrotechnology and Nursery“, Zagorevskaj 4, 115598 Moscow
  • Ivan Kulikov Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Scioning, Agrotechnology and Nursery“, Zagorevskaj 4, 115598 Moscow
  • Sergei Medvedev Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Scioning, Agrotechnology and Nursery“, Zagorevskaj 4, 115598 Moscow
  • Mariia Mertvishcheva Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Scioning, Agrotechnology and Nursery“, Zagorevskaj 4, 115598 Moscow



sweet cherry, clonal stock, stock/scion combinations, biochemical structure of fruit, antioxidant activity


The results of the field and biochemical researches of sweet cherry Prunus avium L. scion Chermashnaya fruit grown on 8 clonal stocks (Kolt, Moskoviya, Izmaylovskiy, Stepnoy rodnik, AVCH-2, VSL-2, VTS-13, V-5-88) are presented. Trees productivity, the fruit average weight and the stone- fruit weight relation were studied, fruit degustation evaluation was fulfilled and the main biochemical parameters such as soluble solids, sugars sum, ascorbic acid concentration and antioxidant activity were determined. The influence of the stock on the fruit biochemical composition, the trees productivity and the fruit weight was determined. The sweet cherries productivity was 12,5 kg/tree at average, and depending on the stock it varied from 8,3 kg/tree (V-5-88) to 18,6 kg/tree (Izmaylovskiy). The biggest fruit were found on the trees with stocks VSL-2, Izmaylovskiy and AVCH-2. At average the proportion of the stone in the fruit weight was 5.3% with the variation depending on the stock from 5.2% (Kolt) to 5.5% (V-5-88, Stepnoy rodnik). According to the degustation results the fruit of scion Chermashnaya were characterized by the sweet harmonized taste and smell (4.5 points), there were not found either taste deterioration or bitterness on any stock. The best results according to the degustation evaluation by the parameters complex were found at scion Chermashnaya combinations on stocks Izmaylovskiy, VSL-2 and Kolt. The soluble solids content also depended on the stock and varied from 13.9 (Chermashnaya on AVCH-2) to 17.2% (Chermashnaya on Izmaylovskiy) at average value 16.0%. The sugars content in the sweet cherry fruit was within the range from 9.0 to 12.4%. The sugars higher accumulation belonged to the combinations of Chermashmaya on Stepnoy rodnik (11.1%) and Chermashmaya on Izmaylovskiy (12.4%). The ascorbic acid content in the sweet cherry fruit did not exceed 8 mg.100 g-1. Depending on the stock this parameter varied from 5.9 to 9.3 mg.100 g-1. The highest vitamin C content was found in the fruit at the grafting on the stock Stepnoy rodnik, the lowest one - on the stock Moskoviya. The sweet cherry fruit antioxidant activity according to DPPH method was not high and was in the range from 11.8 to 13.8%.


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How to Cite

Upadysheva, G. ., Motyleva, S. ., Kulikov, I. ., Medvedev, S. ., & Mertvishcheva, M. . (2018). Biochemical composition of sweet cherry (Prynus avium L.) fruit depending on the scion-stock combinations. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 12(1), 533–538.