The wine market - an empicrical examination of in-store consumer behaviour


  • Bartłomiej Pierański Poznań University of Economics and Business, Faculty of Management, Department of Commerce and Marketing, Al. Niepodległości 10, 61-875 Poznań
  • Barbara Borusiak Poznań University of Economics and Business, Faculty of Management, Department of Commerce and Marketing, Al. Niepodległości 10, 61-875 Poznań
  • Elena Horská Slovak University of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of Marketing and trade, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra



in-store behaviour, eye tracking, merchandising, wine market


Business success in the current highly competitive environment determines primarily the ability to understand the customer and his needs and identify the factors that influence consumer behavior. Therefore, the examination of consumer behavior and obtaining feedback on the development and state of the market as well as identifying current trends is an essential part of any successful business. Producers and traders are increasingly forced to adapt to the rapid development and changes in the market. This is especially important with food products, given the wide range of assortment, substitutability of particular groceries and strengthening competitive pressure of manufacturers and retailers. In general, consumer decision-making related to food is influenced by a number of different factors that are changing under the influence of new trends (greater emphasis on quality, country of origin etc.). Even more specific category is the wine market, which is subject to specific criteria of consumer choice, since from a consumer perspective, it is not a product of daily consumption. The world wine market is increasing; new producers as well as new groups of customers are emerging on the market. The distribution channels are becoming more diversified and wine is offered in both specialty stores and self-service outlets; hypermarkets, supermarkets and discount stores. Due to this trend the investigation of in-store consumer behavior becomes crucial. The aim of the paper is to discuss the usefulness of eye tracking based research for examining perceptions of people shelf displays. The research integrates measurements with a mobile eye camera (Eye tracker glasses) in real conditions of a wine shop in order to reveal the impact of merchandising (display of domestic and foreign wines) on the visual attention of the consumer. The results of qualitative research carried out in March 2015 will be presented.


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How to Cite

Pierański, B. ., Borusiak, B. ., & Horská, E. . (2017). The wine market - an empicrical examination of in-store consumer behaviour. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 11(1), 739–746.