Analysis of selected determinants of alimentation hygiene of school children


  • Lucia Zeleňáková Slovak University of Agricultural in Nitra, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Science, Department of Food Hygiene and Safety, Tr. A. Hlinku 949 76 Nitra
  • Dagmar Kozelová Slovak University of Agricultural in Nitra, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Science, Department of Food Hygiene and Safety, Tr. A. Hlinku 949 76 Nitra
  • Miriam Pietriková Slovak University of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of Statistics and Operation research, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra Slovakia



food, dinner, alimentation hygiene, personal hygiene, school dining room


The aim of the work was an analysis of nutriotion and hygienic habits of students while staying at school as well as analysis of catering hygiene in the school catering establishment. Method for obtaining information, a questionnaire was developed for this purpose (355 respondents, aged 7 – 15 years). We have focused on the awareness of the issues of healthy nutrition, the observance of the principles of personal hygiene, prioritising certain dishes and drinks, the food, the overall level of quality of the knowledge of the risk and the overall level of hygiene of catering in the school meals catering establishment. The results have shown that it is necessary to increase the awareness and education in the areas of healthy eating and hygiene principles and achieve the mutual cooperation of students, families, and schools.


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How to Cite

Zeleňáková, L. ., Kozelová, D. ., & Pietriková, M. . (2012). Analysis of selected determinants of alimentation hygiene of school children. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 6(3), 41–46.

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