Nutritive, chemical and technological properties of liver pate formulated with beef offal, sheep tail fat and licorice and ginger root
paté, sheep tail fat, heart, kidneys, liquorice root, ginger rootAbstract
In the present study, incorporation of sheep tail fat, beef heart, kidneys, and herbal ingredients (grounded licorice and ginger root, pumpkin, carrots, and onions) into liver pate formulations was investigated. Four types of liver pate were prepared: control sample containing only liver and butter; experimental sample S1 - pate with sheep tail fat (5%), ground dried licorice root (1%) and ginger (2%); experimental sample S2 - pate with sheep tail fat (8%), ground dried licorice root (2%) and ginger (3%); experimental sample S3 - pate with sheep tail fat (10%), ground dried licorice root (3%) and ginger (4%). Inclusion of the above-mentioned ingredients in the pate recipe did not cause significant changes in the mass fraction of table salt and protein (P > 0.05) and, conversely, significantly increased the moisture content, carbohydrates, fat and be-ta-carotene in the test sample (P < 0.05). In the experimental samples, the number of amino acids decreased with the exception of arginine. Among the experimental samples, the highest content of amino acids (18 g / 100 g) and essential amino acids (8.89 g/ 100 g) was detected in S1. The results of determining the fatty acid composition showed significant changes in the composition of experimental samples com-pared with the control. The total content of saturated acids in the experimental samples decreased while the content of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids increased (P ˂ 0.05). Textural characteristics, such as hardness, cohesiveness and adhe-siveness in the test sample have changed significantly (P < 0.05). However, the elasticity (springiness) and stickiness of the paste mass were almost the same for the control and experi-mental samples. The introduction of the above-mentioned ingredients in the experimental sam-ples increased the pH and water-binding capacity) values, which suggests an increase in juici-ness. The conducted studies have confirmed the prospects for improving the chemical compo-sition without deterioration of the consistency and structure of the finished product.
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