Factorial analysis of taste quality and technological properties of cherry fruits depending on weather factors
cherry, biochemical quality indicators, factor analysis, components method, weather factorAbstract
The results of researching the fund formation of dry soluble substances, sugars, and titrated acids in cherry fruits of 10 studied varieties under the Southern Steppe Subzone of Ukraine are given. According to the content of biochemical quality indicators, the following varieties were selected: Modnytsya (the content of dry soluble substances is 17.1%), Ozhidaniye (the content of sugars is 11.7%), and Solidarnost (the content of titrated acids is 1.79%). The cherry fruits units. By conducting a two-factor dispersion analysis, the feasibility of forecasting the content of the principal components of the chemical composition (dry soluble substances, sugars, titrated acids) in the cherry fruits was determined by average values and a factor that maximally impacts the accumulation of the studied indicators was identified during the studies. The dominant influence of weather conditions during research years was determined. Therefore, the taste qualities of the cherry fruits were proposed to forecast by average varietal value. The average and strong correlation dependences of influencing 19 weather factors on the content of the studied biochemical indicators in the cherry fruits were determined. The accumulation dependence models of dry soluble substances, sugars, and titrated acids were built based on the principal component and least-squares methods. The first-rank weather indicators with the maximum influence particles were identified for the studied biochemical quality indicators. The average monthly air temperature in June maximally impacted the fund accumulation of dry soluble substances in the cherry fruits (delta = 9.9%), the content of sugars - the average monthly precipitation in June (delta = 8.5%), on the content of titrated acids - the total number of precipitation days in June (delta = 18.62%). At the end of the flowering phase before fruit ripening and in the last month of fruit formation, humidity indicators had the greatest influence on the accumulation of the studied biochemical indicators in the cherry fruits (June).of Melitopol purpura and Modnytsya have maximum indicators of the sugar-acid index in the range of 8.9-9.3 relative
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