Mixing of flour mixture components in the production of pasta from nontraditional raw materials
dry wheat gluten, flour mixture, mixing, pasta, pasta dough recipeAbstract
Along with a balanced amino acid composition and high protein digestibility, food products should contain complex carbohydrates and ballast substances (dietary fibers) that ensure the normal functioning of the digestive organs. In this regard, fresh raw foods for dietary pasta are of interest for modern pasta production. It is to such raw materials for the manufacture of dough that flour and starch from some cereals, triticale flour, and stale deformed bread are referred. When forming pasta dough from nontraditional flour raw materials, an important technological value for giving the best rheological properties of the dough is the uniform distribution of the binder component in the mixture – dry wheat gluten (DWG). As an object of experimental research to study the mixing process, a loose flour mixture of cereals (barley, oats, corn, buckwheat, millet, peas, and soybeans) was used, compiled based on calculating the recipe using computer programs. The prepared mixtures are a valuable source of nutrients and minerals. At the same time, to improve the technological properties of the dough as a biologically active additive,25% DWG is introduced to improve the rheological properties of the dough.
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