The study of the intensification of technological parameters of the sausage production process
sodium, concentration, sausage meat, kitchen salt, sea saltAbstract
One of the sources of sodium are meat products. Increased consumption of meat products and sodium intake leads to serious health problems. The task of reducing the dosage of sodium chloride in minced meat needs to be addressed. The partial replacement of table salt with sea salt will reduce the sodium concentration in products to 20%. It is established that this modification increases the moisture-binding properties of minced meat and lowers the dosage of salt in the mass of raw meat, which will reduce the level of harm to the body due to excessive consumption of sausages. It is proposed to introduce a bacterial preparation based on the strain Staphylococcus carnosus, which will reduce the amount of sodium nitrite in the finished products. Technology has been developed to regulate the composition of microelements in meat products by enriching them with a kelp extract. It was found that changes in the composition of minced meat can adversely affect the taste and physicochemical properties of the product, which is confirmed by expert studies. As a result of laboratory studies, it was found that a partial change of salt in the sea helps to improve the stability and physicochemical quality of minced meat (active acidity, water activity, moisture retention, and shear stress). According to the research results, the recipe of sausages recommended for implementation at the enterprises of the meat processing industry of Ukraine has been developed.
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