The comparison of biochemical composition of Actinidia kolomikta and Actinidia polygama fruits
Actinidia kolomikta, Actinidia polygama, antioxidant activity, biochemical composition, fruits secondary metabolitesAbstract
The demand for natural products, which are rich in biologically active compositions, grows constantly. The choice and production of such products can minimize the deficit of importance for human organism components, which are contained only in plant food. The paper contains the laboratory studying results of the chemical composition of the fruits of two Actinidia Lindl. cultivars of Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Horticultural Research Center for Breeding, Agrotechnology, and Nursery (FSBSI FSC for Horticulture) genetic collection: Actinidia kolomikta (Rupr. et Maxim.) Maxim. and Actinidia polygama (Siebold et Zucc.) Maxim. All the presented samples are grown in field conditions. The fruits were picked up in the phase of harvest maturity while ripening. The data on antioxidant activity of water and methanol extracts, the content of phenolic compounds sum, soluble solids, and titratable acids in the fruits, and on qualitative composition of secondary metabolites (organic acids, fatty acids, mono-, di- and polysaccharides) are given in the paper. The variation limits of the parameters under study depending on the sample are presented. As a result of the laboratory studies, it was stated that A. kolomikta fruits 10 times exceed A. polygama fruits on all the stated parameters. Only the results on the soluble solids content in the fruits of both cultivars are approximately at the same level (A. kolomikta > A. polygama on 1.16%). The positive correlation between antioxidant activity and the general content of polyphenols is confirmed at both cultivars. Actinidia kolomikta genotypes Chempion and Lakomka and Actinidia polygama ones Tselebnaya and Uzorchataya showed the best results. The correct individual choice of actinidia fruits that are the best ones at the biochemical composition and the content of micronutrients allows supplying the consumers with food products.
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