Basil – a comparison of the total phenolic content and antioxidant activity in selected cultivars
Basil, Ocimum basilicum, total phenolic content, antioxidant activity, cultivarAbstract
During the lifetime, the human body forms a considerable amount of free radicals damaging DNA, cell membranes, and their components. A wider application of basil (Ocimum basilicum), an aromatic plant and one of the common gastronomic commodities in the human diet could help to prevent the formation of free radicals and to remove them from the human body. Therefore, determination of antioxidant activity and total content of phenolic substances in selected cultivars of basil (Ohře, Sweet green, Salad leaf, Purple opal, Thai) in a fresh and frozen state and the mixture with another plant (garlic, mint, rocket, spinach) in the fresh and refrigerated state was performed. The total content of phenolic substances in basil was established by the spectrophotometric Folin-Ciocalteu method. DPPH spectrophotometric method was used to analyze the antioxidant activity. The results have shown statistically significant differences between basil cultivars under the same growing conditions. The values of antioxidant activity in frozen samples ranged from 5.1 ±0.4 mg.g-1 AA FW to 11.71 ±0.18 mg.g-1 AA FW and the total phenolic content varied between 2.77 ±0.16 mg.g-1 GAE FW in TH and 8.93 ±0.13 mg.g-1 GAE FW. A statistically significant difference between fresh and frozen samples was established only in the “Ohře” cultivar. After the storage in cold temperatures, all mixtures showed a reduction in the antioxidant activity and total content of phenolic substances. The mixture of basil and mint performed the highest values of antioxidant activity and total content of phenolic substances and significantly differed from the other mixtures most often. The addition of basil and its mixtures to food and beverages can substantially increase their biological value and subsequently also the quality of human nutrition.
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