Evaluating heavy metal contamination in paper-based packaging for bakery products: a HACCP approach


  • Almas Zhanbolat Almaty Technological University, Department of Food Safety and Quality, Tole bi str., 100, 050000, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, Tel.: +77083870617 https://orcid.org/0009-0001-7983-3245
  • Ulbala Tungyshbayeva Almaty Technological University, Department of Food Safety and Quality, Tole bi str., 100, 050000, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, Tel.: +77015038906
  • Raushangul Uazhanova Almaty Technological University, Department of Food Safety and Quality, Tole bi str., 100, 050000, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, Tel.: +7 777-130-17-41 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5156-5322
  • Zhanar Nabiyeva Almaty Technological University, Research Institute of Food Safety, Tole bi str., 100, 050000, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, Tel.: +77759771901 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7258-746X
  • Madina Yakiyayeva Almaty Technological University, Research Institute of Food Technologies, Department of Bread Technology and Processing Industries, Tole bi str., 100, 050000, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, Tel.: +7 701 162 6749 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8564-2912
  • Abdysemat Samadun Almaty Technological University, Research Institute of Food Safety, Tole bi str., 100, 050000, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, Tel.: +77073871595 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5286-5175




food packaging, BRC Food Safety, food shelf life, heavy metals, permissible migration of heavy metals


Food quality and safety are among the most important aspects of the food industry. The object of this study was packaging materials intended for packaging bakery products. One of the key factors for food safety is provided by packaging. The increase in food packaging materials creates a demand for promoting products and brands that are safe for consumption. Food spoilage due to poor-quality packaging causes huge losses not only to businesses but also to consumers. Despite the effectiveness of existing practices, retailers still face many challenges, including the materials used and their possible interaction with food. In addition, the transfer of harmful materials from packaging to food is still an issue. This study presents the results of an assessment of the migration of heavy metals used in different types of food packaging in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Determination of heavy metal migration was carried out in aqueous extract by atomic absorption spectrometry. The practical value of the above research is to study the content of lead, zinc and chromium in the composition of various types of paper food packaging. The assessment of the average migration level of heavy metals following the current requirements revealed that all types of paper contain significant amounts of lead and zinc, which do not meet the requirements for paper intended for food packaging. Thus, specific samples should be considered a potential risk to human health if reused without pre-treatment as a source of recycled cellulose fibre for producing packaging used in direct contact with foodstuffs.


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How to Cite

Zhanbolat, A., Tungyshbayeva, U., Uazhanova, R., Nabiyeva, Z., Yakiyayeva , M., & Samadun, A. (2024). Evaluating heavy metal contamination in paper-based packaging for bakery products: a HACCP approach. Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 18, 819–833. https://doi.org/10.5219/2004

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