Investigation of the chemical composition and physicochemical properties of Chlorella vulgaris biomass treated with pulsed discharges technology for potential use in the food industry
Chlorella vulgaris, protein, gel, food products, pulsed discharges technologyAbstract
The use of chlorella as a dietary supplement has great prospects. Nevertheless, the processing of chlorella is associated with certain difficulties that limit its use on an industrial scale. Problems with the processing are primarily related to the thick and strong cell wall of chlorella (50-100 nm), which is poorly digested by most vertebrate species due to its complex multilayer structure. Our experiments have shown that discharge pulse treatment contributes to the destruction of the strong cell wall of chlorella. The results of atomic force microscopy and the determination of the antioxidant activity of the suspension confirm this. A study of the chemical composition of dried chlorella biomass showed a content of 56.8% protein and 12.6% fat, which causes a high nutritional value of chlorella. The study of the physicochemical properties of the prepared chlorella preparation showed pronounced hydrophilicity of proteins. Observation of gels with different contents of chlorella preparation, formed during heating and subsequent cooling and stored for seven days at +8 °C, showed that the gels do not emit a synergistic liquid. Total gels based on the chlorella preparation are characterized by high stability. Based on the results obtained, we concluded that the preparation based on disintegrated chlorella has a high potential for functional and technological application in food technologies
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