Development of the food act of the Slovak Republic from 1995 to 2021
food low, Slovakia, food legislation, legal act, amendmentAbstract
Legislation in food is quite fragmented, it includes several regulations, amendments due to the rapid development both in the studied area and the influence of European law. It is a legal branch of a relatively hybrid nature. It contains agricultural legislation that intersects with environmental law. It also affects administrative, financial, and criminal law as a branch of public law. Nor can commercial and civil law as the basis of private law be circumvented here. The legal norm has undergone a relatively interesting development, which is characterized by several amendments. During the more than 25 years of validity of this legal norm, a total of more than twenty amendments. This certainly does not contribute to the stability of the legislation, the legal certainty of the entities concerned, or its clarity and system. The article provides an overview of the development of the legal regulation of the Food Act in Slovakia from 1995 to 2021.
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