A policy construction for sustainable rice food sovereignty in Indonesia
food security, food sovereignty, political resources, environmental resources, environmental diplomacyAbstract
As an agricultural country with large natural resources, Indonesia still has considerable problems in managing food security. This is evidenced by the lack of agricultural land and human resources that can support people's food needs so that the government still imports food from other countries. These issues as; it are feared that population growth and high food consumption power, social exclusion (marginalization of agricultural laborers and agricultural land) will cause food security vulnerability in the future. This Mixed method quantitative and qualitative method by statistical and in-depth interview study involving 169 respondents from many stakeholders such as politicians, academicians, farmers, and students to determine policy construction for sustainable rice food sovereignty in Indonesia. The statistical study shows the rice consumption in Indonesia is correlated to education than the age and gender of the respondents. The study indicating problems such as; the welfare of farmers, the application of price limits for staple goods, and improving the quality of agriculture both natural resources, human resources and the provision of agricultural equipment assistance have not been resolved properly. To build food security, it should be balanced with the application of the concept of food sovereignty which is realized by aligning and maximizing competence between political resources, environmental resources capacity, and environmental diplomacy.
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